A Church on a Mission to

Preach Christ   
Teach His Word
Extend His Love 

  1. We believe that the bible is the inspired, infallible word of God written by holy men of old as he Holy Spirit moved them (11. Timothy 3:6, 11 Peter 1:21).
  2. We believe in God who is infinite, perfect and externally existing Father, Son and Holy Spirit (1John5:6-8, John 10:30, Matt 28:19).
  3. We believe that in his virgin birth, in his sinless Life, in his miracles, in his vicarious and atoning death through his shed blood, in his bodily resurrection, in his ascension to the right hand of the Father, and his personal return in power and glory(1cor 15:3-4,1 Peter 2:18,John 3:16).
  4. We believe that man was created in the image of God( Gen 1:26). However man sinned and was lost (Gen 3:6). Jesus Christ was sent to redeem man from sin. (John 3:16) We believe that you must be born again by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. (John 3:3-6) you must confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus Christ (Roman 10:9-10)
  5. We believe that the believer can be sanctified through the precious blood of Jesus Christ and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
  6. We believe that the believer can be sanctified through the precious blood of Jesus Christ and the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
  7. Devine healing: We believe that man’ diseases can be healed by God’ power because of atonement of Jesus Christ.
  8. WE believe that all the believers of Jesus Christ to the last days will be resurrected for worshipping the Lord, keeping the fellowship, training the believers and changing the world.
  9. We believe that the church is found on the apostolic and prophetic foundation (Eph 2:20), upon which Jesus Christ is the chief corner stone.
  10. We believe that the church will be anointed and shall be used for laying of hands to the sick, ordinary and in service. 1Sam 16:12,James 5:14,Mak 6:13.
  11. We believe that the church is a body of believes in Jesus Christ, who is the head of the church, will be protected to the last day for worshipping the Lord, keeping the fellowship, training the believers and changing the world.
  12. We believe that women can preach the word of God and they were the first preachers after his resurrection.
  13. We believe that all persons will experience resurrection; believers to a state of eternal felicity and unbelievers to eternal punishment.
  14. Water baptism by immersion accompanies repentance and is very important to bring the one into a covenant relationship with God (Rom 6:1-5,Acts 8:37-38,John 3:22-23 and laying of hands to children ( Mark 10:16).
  15. Holy Matrimony has to be carried out in the Christian life according to the word of God.
  16. Giving tithes and offering, as unto God and his grace has to be effected.
  17. Fasting when it is necessary for casting out of devils, breaking of yokes, and obtaining break through to prayers and above all drawing closer to God.
  18. Holding of night prayers is essential for the purpose of seeking God to strengthen the believer�s faith through testimonies, singing and praying (Gen 32:24-28).
  19. We believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the operation demonstration and administration and function of major ministries such as Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers ( Eph 4:11-13), And gifts of healing, miracles, etc. ( 1Cor. 12: 1-12).
  20. We believe that Jesus Christ will establish his righteous reign over the earth after his return.
  21. We believe in that the full consummation of the baptism of believers in the Holy Ghost is evidenced by the initial physical sign of speaking in tongues as the spirit gives utterance, and by the subsequent manifestation of spiritual power in public testimony and service. ( Acts 2:4,Acts 10:44-46,Acts 19: 2,6,Acts 1:8,Acts 2:42-43 and Matt 3:11) In the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ, this statement of faith is the basic foundation for this church and the same shall not be amended or deleted from those articles expected by vote or written consent of all the members.